A powerful (yet simple) way to shift your energy and results over the next 30 days

How’d you like to learn a simple process that takes about 5
min’s (or even less) but gives you 6-8 hours worth of results?

Imagine compounding that every day for the next 30 days…

Now this is so simple that you’ve probably heard it (or
something like it) before…but do you realize how powerful it
is…and are you deliberately practicing it on a daily basis?

Here it is:

Choose what you’re thinking about…and what thoughts, feelings,
and images are playing in your mind…just before you fall

Many people are letting the news or something distressing
they’ve just watched be the last thing that’s playing in their
mind before going to bed.

Others end the day with frustration or fears and burdens that
are weighing them down.

These thoughts and feelings in a way are continuing to “marinate”
and draw more of that feeling and energy to you throughout the

So instead, how about deliberately practicing thinking about
something that makes you feel good – something or someone you
appreciate…that you’re thankful for…that you love.

It could be a success or a smile or a hug from earlier that day
that’s now gotten pushed out of your mind by other “tasks” and
burdens that have come to you since…or it could be the things
you love – music, biking, a sunset, or something you’re looking
forward to.

Just taking a few moments to deliberately think about something
you love and appreciate – about things that make you feel good –
things you’re thankful for – can immediately shift how you feel.

And doing this right before you fall asleep sets the “path”, in
a way, for what your subconscious will be exploring…or “marinating”
in…while you sleep.

I had a powerful experience with this practice just this weekend.
My wife and I were both a little tired and cranky at the end of a
long day apart, and actually “snapped” at each other just before
going to bed.

So when my head hit the pillow – all of a sudden I felt miserable –
my shoulder ached, I was frustrated, and I didn’t feel like I
could fall asleep.

Then I remembered this practice, and started silently offering thanks
– particularly for my family…and ultimately my wonderful wife…
and within moments, my energy totally shifted…

I had a mini (or perhaps not so “mini”) reconciliation with my wife,
and a wonderful night’s sleep awakening with a “happy feeling” even
before I remembered what I was happy about.
(And my wife was very happy, too…)

And here’s the key – moments before giving thanks, I was on a totally
different “path” headed for a miserable night…and any other option
was not even “Visible” until I actually started giving thanks…

So here’s the trick – knowing this is not enough…what can you do
right now to set an intention…or a reminder…to do this tonight…
and every night for the next 30 days?

Look forward to hearing about your own practice and results in the
comments below!

Dr. Ben

Create “Mini Vacations”

As a followup to last week’s post on magnifying your good by celebrating highlights of your day, here’s a quick video tip I shot on the shores of Lake Michigan while out with my wife and youngest two kids this morning.  You’ll actually see our youngest son run by me halfway through the video – he knows how to “dive right in”…to water…and to life…


Dr. Ben

P.S.  Would love to hear about your own “mini vacation” ideas – ways you refresh & recharge & connect to what you love, in the comments below.

How to Magnify Your Good (no matter how your day is going…)

While taking an evening bike ride a little while ago, I was
reminded of a practice that has propelled me forward & created
significant anchors for me in the past year, regardless of how
my day was going.

I recorded a video tip on this back in January, and here’s
some further thoughts to ponder:

Every day, take note when you’re feeling especially good…

when you’re particularly enjoying something…

and celebrate that moment as a “highlight” of your day.

That way no matter what happens the rest of the day…no matter
what disappointments or frustrations…or how well you’re doing
in school or in your business or with your work goals…

…or with your family and relationships…

you can celebrate at least a moment of something “good” in your

something you enjoyed…

something you appreciate.

Someone once said a happy life is a series of happy moments
strung together…

But there’s something about the way we’re wired that if we
actually take note of them when they occur, we anchor them
further and can even “appreciate” or “magnify” them in a way
that brings them more and more into our experience.

About a week ago I enjoyed a conversation with a wonderful
businessman from Hawaii who has “re-invented” himself and
expanded into new arenas multiple times in his life, and he
shared with the few of us who were listening how key it is
to “appreciate” rather than “depreciate” each step of good
that comes to us in a new venture, regardless of how small
it may seem to us compared to something we’ve already
accomplished in the past.

He emphasized when creating something new, let go of “remember when…”
and focus on appreciating each step of progress now. 

This practice allows more to come to you and truly “appreciates”…

or magnifies and multiplies…

the good that you’re enjoying.

This practice of appreciating reminds me of the advice from
Louise Hay about tomato plants – when you plant some seeds,
and the first sprouts appear, you don’t stomp on them and say,
“but I wanted a tomato plant!”

Rather, you celebrate that your seeds are starting to sprout…

and you continue to nurture and cultivate them until they grow
into a full-grown plant that bears fruit.

Food for thought…

How about practicing finding, creating, and celebrating “highlights”
of your day each day this week, and appreciating…

rather than depreciating…

each sign of progress and each “sprout” of good that comes your way.

Would love to hear some of your own experiences and insights
in the comments below!

To a blessed and wonderful week!

Dr. Ben

What Areas Are You Sowing In Today?

In the midst of coaching members of my business team this past
week and a half, two factors have repeatedly come to the surface
that are key to creating new and desirable results in our lives.
As I’ve percolated on these keys and just finished enjoying some
raisins with my 21 month old daughter, I had the inspiration to
write them for you here:

1) Decide what you want

2) Sow in the areas that are important to you with intention
every day.

Maybe it’s a relationship with God, your family, or someone else in

The image that comes to mind is of colorful jars or containers –
and each day you get to choose which ones you open and give some
attention – which ones you sow into each day.

If we’re not intentional, then what’s most urgent and demanding, or
what’s most familiar based on past patterns and habits, can get all
of our time and attention.

But if we realize we want to sow something different today, we can
specifically set aside time to sow into the areas we’re choosing
intentionally today.

It might be a 10 minute walk to commune with God or nature or simply
get some mental space and clarity.

It may be reading a story to our kids, or taking a break and having
a conversation with someone that’s important to us.

And it may be taking a new step in your business or professional
pursuits that’s a bit challenging, even a bit scary, but also
exciting and potentially very rewarding.

Take a chance.

Take a step.

Be deliberate.

And choose what “jars” you’re sowing into today.

To your freedom, prosperity, and joy!

Dr. Ben

P.S. I think I’ll take a quick walk up the hill and then enjoy some
lunch with my family 🙂

What Drives Behavior…

Last night I watched a 20 minute “talk” on TED.com shared with
me by a business associate that succinctly and articulately
identifies fundamental keys to what drives behavior…and
“how great leaders inspire action.”

The talk was by former student of anthropology Simon Sinek,
and I’ve posted it below, with a few intriguing quotes from
Simon here:

     People don’t buy what you do; people buy why you do it.

     And what you do proves what you believe.

     The goal is not to do business with everybody who needs what
     you have; the goal is to do business with people who believe
     what you believe.

     When we communicate from the inside out, we’re talking directly
     to the part of the brain that controls behavior, and then we
     allow people to rationalize it with tangible things we say and

     If you talk about what you believe, you will attract people who
     believe what you believe.

Take a few moments to watch the video here, and then here’s a key:

Note for yourself how Simon’s perspective can impact your own
thinking and actions in something that matters to you.

Would love to here your comments below…Enjoy!

Dr. Ben