Just created this “dadpreneurlife” video at Rachelle‘s suggestion – a combo of life and business and a recent “adventure week” with the kids. Perhaps it will inspire you in creating your own adventures!
Special thanks to the guys at Quest Outdoors here in Louisville – though they didn’t make it into the video, I did stop by in the middle of the week and they hooked us up with a fun solar light and a great map of Red River Gorge.
What’s one of your favorite “mini” adventures, or one you’re planning this year?
So we all know the story of Superman and how kryptonite made him ineffective. His experience gives an intriguing perspective on our own.
We all wrestle with things that take us out from reaching our potential, or thriving in our relationships.
One of the benefits of being in free enterprise with Ben for over a decade now is that I have learned much about myself. I know more about what my fears are. I know that sometimes I will get stuck and depressed. I know what makes me ineffective.
Here is a very recent story: I struggled for several months about where I should focus my efforts, and I felt overwhelmed by the “daily feeding” and what felt like a burden of supporting our kids’ schooling and needs. It really took me out.
Thankfully, I made a little trip to Michigan and got recharged by girlfriends and remembered what abundance and support felt like. It was a sweet tipping point. Once home, I got into a groove with my food and the ideas for writing and marketing came flooding in. I was also excited to add my enthusiasm to Ben’s efforts.
And then, I got back on Facebook; my sweet Kryptonite.
On our Mac I seemed to be able to handle it: I focused on our international team and sending out value on my Biz pages. But once I put it on my phone, my brain flow and imagination disappeared. I kept checking the notifications and, embarrassingly found myself reacting internally to political stances. I got so distracted, I quit exercising and writing. It seemed like I lost weeks of momentum in only a day. I lost this “Super Entrepreneur in self-mastery, creating ideas in the sauna, powerful woman”.
The difference this time around is that I have a new sense of kindness to myself. I have a knowledge that even though I am stuck or feel like a failure, I can change. I can find my sweet spot and vision again. It helps to choose that All is Well in this moment. It also helps to eventually laugh and celebrate that you have more material for writing, and for coaching others.
Whatever your Kryptonite, you can get to a better place. You can keep making your vision a reality. It isn’t just starting over, but rather keeping on with new clarity and strength.
It is so worth it.
Rachelle Lo is a “mom-preneur” running a household of 7 kids plus Ben 🙂 She loves English breakfast tea, her dutch bike, and sharing food ideas with friends, and now writes as a columnist for the New Buffalo Times. Connect with her on Facebook at Rachelle Lo
Last night I attended a Louisville Bowspring class, and got to chat with the instructor a few minutes afterward. She’s someone who’s taught yoga for years and had quite a following locally, yet when she started following her intuition and introducing ideas and practices that her students and community weren’t used to, they started to look at her differently and withdraw.
She then faced a challenge — whether to pioneer forward into the “uncertain territory” she felt drawn to, or to remain with the practice and accolades she currently enjoyed.
Which would you choose?
Fortunately for the new community which has sprung up around her and greatly benefited, and for her spirit which clearly now loves the direction she’s heading, she chose to pioneer and step forward into the “unknown”.
Change can be challenging because it does bring us into new territory, and sometimes those around us don’t understand and feel threatened or frightened by the change they see in us.
Nevertheless, as we step forward with courage and trust into the unknown, we can become part of creating something wonderfully new.
Are you being challenged to change?
Would love to hear your own insights and experiences in the comments below!
P.S. Want further encouragement and an example of how I myself navigated change that involved my very identity as a physician? You may enjoy reading: Is Your Identity Holding You Back?
Here’s a key tip for those of you expanding a home business or marketing online, and particularly those of you in a networking business where you invite people to partner with you. The question is, how do you invite people to join you when you’re not “at the top” yet yourself?
Two words: vision and commitment, and a”Climbing Mt Everest” example that’s greatly assisted me.
P.S. If you’re currently looking to expand and play a bigger game yourself, come explore a possibility with us. We look forward to meeting you!
I was just asked to give a presentation on goal-setting at an
upcoming event and thought I’d share a couple initial thoughts
Now I know that this is often a topic on people’s minds as we’re
about to wrap up one year and begin a new one, especially those
of us engaged in personal development, coaching, or an
entrepreneurial enterprise such as a home business.
What comes to mind when you think about this topic?
Today I thought I’d mention two common “pitfalls” and an
intriguing perspective, part of which has come across my path
this very week.
Now if you’re someone who’s already great at setting goals
and achieving them, you may appreciate this as an insight
into what many, if not most, people struggle with. Second
the perspective below may enhance your own experience
and give you a new level of mastery to aim for.
First, the pitfalls.
I find when it comes to setting goals, many people either:
1) Don’t have them
(or their goals are vague)
2) They have goals, but they haven’t built a “bridge” in their
thinking and their actions that will get them from where
they are now to where they want to be.
Hence there’s a gap that makes their goals more “wishful thinking”
and something that can even bring pain because they haven’t
achieved them and don’t really believe they can.
Can you relate?
Now today, rather than give a whole treatise on setting goals, I
wanted to share an intriguing perspective that I’ve
encountered recently — part of it this very week.
Let me preface this section with a question:
How are you using your imagination?
Albert Einstein has said, “Imagination is more
important than knowledge.”
What I’m finding with goal-setting is that imagination is key
as well.
And learning to develop our imagination, and to build a
“bridge” from where we are now to where we want to be,
is a “muscle” that can be developed.
Are you ready to develop yours at another level?
So here’s the intriguing perspective — drawn from a couple
different sources.
First is Dr. Joe Dispenza’s intriguing work applying the
principles of energy and quantum physics to “rewiring” our
brain and body — essentially creating new patterns — that
affect what we manifest and experience both in our bodies
and in our lives.
Two great reads along these lines are his books Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself and his most recent You Are the Placebo.
Fascinating reads.
And one of the intriguing statements found in his meditations
is, “It’s not your job to create it; it’s your job to design it.”
In the intro to You Are the Placebo, he talks about his own
experience with shattered vertebra, and shifting his imagination
from seeing himself in a wheelchair to feeling himself showering,
walking, and enjoying the sunshine again.
It’s intriguing to note that despite being told that he’d
sever his spinal cord if he stood up, within 9 and a half weeks
after his accident, he was able to get up and walk, and within
10 weeks he was seeing patients again.
Another source — a quote I just read online this week — refers
to enjoying something in our imagination to such an extent that
its very manifestation in our experience becomes “the next
logical step.”
A bit different perspective on goal-setting for the New Year.
Using our imagination to make something real to us so that it’s
manifestation becomes the next logical step.
Now let me conclude this brief discussion by mentioning that
action does take place — however it’s much easier to take
effective action — and enjoy the process of taking action —
when our imagination is already paving the way before us and
in essence drawing us into the new results, or new reality,
we’re wanting to create and experience.
So I ask again:
How are you using your imagination?
What if you could tap into this powerful tool at a whole new
level to assist you in creating the business results, personal
goals, and ultimately, a life you love in the year ahead?
I look forward to hearing your own experiences and progress
in the comments below.
Dr. Ben
P.S. If you’re currently in transition or looking to expand
your income or your impact beyond what you’re doing now,
you can join me at Work with Dr. Ben.